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طلب التبني

من فضلك أكمل من لتبني أرنب من The Bunny Basement!

Are you over 21?
Do you:
The Bunny Basement only adopts to families that agree to house their rabbits indoors. Do you agree?
With proper care, rabbits can live 10 to 15 years old. They require regular care by exotic vets. Are you prepared for these type of expenses?
Rabbits can be extremely destructive, destroying carpet, furniture, etc. Are you aware?
When adopting from The Bunny Basement, the primary caregiver must be an adult. We don't adopt out rabbits as gifts or for pets where children are intended to be the primary caregivers. We do not adopt to schools, organizations, or businesses. Do you understand?
Rabbits require litter made from paper or kiln dried pine pellets, daily hay, greens, high quality pellets, daily socialization and exercise. Do you agree to provide these needs?
If for any reason, you need to rehome your rabbit, you are agreeing to return your bunny to The Bunny Basement and acknowledge that the adoption fee is non refundable.
I agree that if I am adopting a pair of rabbits or a rabbit for the purpose of bonding to another rabbit that I have read and understand bonding needs. I have learned about housing issues and other matters needed for their safety while bonding. There is always a risk of either/both rabbits and humans being injured. The Bunny Basement cannot guarantee bonding.

شكرا للتقديم!

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